Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Innovative Viral Entertainment Startup Storyz Launches Beta

Innovative Viral Entertainment Startup Storyz Launches Beta

Multimedia Storytelling Service Works across Mobile Platforms, Social Networks and Web

Sydney, Australia (PRWEB) February 26, 2009 -- Storyz (, an innovative viral entertainment and marketing service that lets friends tell multimedia-rich stories online and while mobile, unveiled its cross-platform beta to the public today.

The Motorola-backed company has designed a service that makes it easy for consumers to post text, photos and video for stories and invite their friends to participate virally across the web, social networks and mobile via a unique streamlined interface. Complete camera, contact list and file system integration is supported for the iPhone and leading mobile devices via WAP, with additional access for Java ME and Android platforms that will go live within the next several weeks. Such unprecedented support across dozens of the most popular mobile devices and the web creates a seamless MMS-like experience featuring full-size photos and videos that are automatically transcoded for easy sharing.

Storyz also serves as an innovative way for brands to create word-of-mouth buzz around creative campaigns that engage users in a relevant, organic way. Brands can challenge users, also known as "Storyztellers," to participate in branded entertainment contents that offer rewards for distribution and creativity - from celebrity look-a-like competitions with photos taken on mobile phones to personal anecdotes about life experiences involving travel or lifestyle brands. These extended conversations will weave through digital venues as users invite others to join.

"Entertainment and marketing have similar goals: they both need to inspire passion and loyalty among consumers, and Storyz aims to do that in a must-have way," said David Bolliger, CEO and founder of Storyz. "When you tell stories with your friends, it has to be easy to share a funny anecdote, a poignant moment, an incredible photo, or a clever video, wherever you are, and so the Storyz mission is to make that process seamless and natural whether on your mobile device, your PC or on a popular social network."

To incentivize adoption of the platform, Storyz includes a game element where prolific Storyztellers earn points for Storyz with wide distribution or for demonstrating impressive creativity that makes the most of the platform's multimedia capabilities. As they rack up points, users progress in rank from "Blogger" and "Yarnspinner" all the way up to "Master Storyzteller."

"It's about entertainment - whether you are communicating a brief life moment, sharing a creative expression, or challenging friends to participate in a discussion, an event, a joke, or a contest," said JT Klepp, head of business development for Storyz. "That means Storyztelling needs to be simple, fun, and compelling, yet robust enough so that friends can share video, photos, prose and challenges anytime, anywhere, with no limits."

Storyz features include:

•    Smart mobile integration that works with any mobile device - across WAP, iPhone, and soon-to-launch support for Java ME and Google Android - that lets users on-the-go create, respond or post to existing threads with text or multimedia content.

•    Complete camera, contact list and file system integration that lets users access photos saved to a mobile device or snap a new one with a phone's camera at the press of a button. This also serves as a handy MMS-like workaround for devices like the iPhone that do not easily support the sharing of photos and multimedia to other devices.

•    Sharing of picture and video content across mobile, web and social networks is as easy as 1-2-3 without ever worrying about specific file formats or device support. File transcoding and cross-platform support for videos and photos is automatic.

•    Threaded conversations let users keep track of narrative discussions among their closest friends while participating in larger discussions open to the public.

About Storyz

Storyz is an innovative viral entertainment and marketing service that helps friends share cross-platform multimedia conversations. The company's unparalleled multi-platform support allows friends to share rich multimedia narratives with their friends whether they're in front of a computer or on the move. Storyz is a privately held company based in Sydney, Australia and funded by Motorola Ventures and private investors in Japan. For more information, please visit:


Contact Information Sabrina Vito or Mike Hope

Beck Media & Marketing



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