Monday, January 26, 2009

Affine Systems and Launch YouTube Broadcast Statistics Page

Affine Systems and Launch YouTube Broadcast Statistics Page

Affine systems and have completed their Alpha testing of Affine's new broadcast measurement page, releasing analysis on relative viewership between the top 8 News networks, both broadcast and cable, for content on YouTube. The data is now available in Beta format on this url:

Washington, DC (PRWEB) January 26, 2009 -- Affine systems and have completed their Alpha testing of Affine's new broadcast measurement page, releasing analysis on relative viewership between the top 8 News networks, both broadcast and cable, for content on YouTube. The data is now available in Beta format on this url: Bill Gorman, Editor of says "This is great data the industry needs. We have been looking for a way to gather and report this data since we began tracking and analyzing TV numbers in 2007. Affine Systems has unique data and we are flattered to have early access to it. Take FOX News for example, Affine has been tracking the relative strengths of FOX vs CNN since the November sweeps and while they both have about the same amount of content uploaded consistently we see roughly twice as many views on Fox as CNN, but with more time per video over at CNN." Bill notes "This information will be very interesting to our readers as viewing of video shifts from the television to the computer screen."

Fox News    CNN

Total Videos detected    5,333    4,704

Total Minutes of all videos:    27,899    20,133

YouTube reported views of the videos:    108,596,334    57,679,264

Total reported Hours Viewed:    9,828,413    6,607,792

Table 1 Data from Affine Systems News segment analysis of YouTube videos as of 1/15/2009

Affine systems collects this information by examining videos on YouTube for Network logos, personalities or visually distinct objects to determine their probable owner outside of official channels. The period under analysis began November 1st 2008. In addition to the news cluster, a wide variety of analysis segments have been created ranging from cable networks such as SciFi and Discovery to broadcast networks such as ABC and FOX News. Statistics are also being collected now on personalities as well as brands and even Cartoon characters such as Stewie from The Family Guy.

John Palfrey, Vice Dean at Harvard Law School notes that "While most copyright enforcement technology to date has used Fingerprinting or Digital Watermarking to collect information about "escaped content", Affine Systems' technology is distinct from these approaches and could be effectively used by Portals to protect their sites from having content uploaded illegally." He says "Affine is free of the onerous requirements of uploading that we see with fingerprinting and the preprocessing costs and process that watermarking requires. This technology could have an interesting impact on how sites comply with the copyright law."

Tom Des Jardins,VP of Product Development for Affine and former Founder/CTO of Lightningcast, points out "Affine technology examines video the way humans do, inferring the origin of content by the visual clues we see in the content itself. If you see Oprah, it's a good chance it's the Oprah show. The timing for this product is great since we are solving metrics problems just as content demand has reached new highs. Broadcasters can track their content simply and make informed decisions prior to committing resources, while sites can lower their ingest costs and improve meta data accuracy. And while our initial applications are in metrics, with my Advertising background I'm certain this will quickly be used to provide value in Advertising."

About John Palfrey:

John is Henry N. Ess III Professor of Law and Vice Dean for Library and Information Resources at Harvard Law School. John's research and teaching focus on Internet law, intellectual property, and he is the co-author of Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives and Access Denied: The Practice and Politics of Global Internet Filtering.

About is your online source for TV ratings and analysis of all your favorite television shows, as well as DVR time-shifted viewing, show renewal and cancellation predictions, network ratings, age and gender demographics and more. Contact: Bill Gorman, Editor bill(at)

About Affine Systems:

Affine Systems enhances video through deeper engagement, search and measurement. Our Patent Pending technology scans videos and performs scene analysis to enhance navigation, video engagement, advertising and measurement. We also use our technology to provide independent analysis of network programming posted to YouTube. Our solutions are highly scalable due to our use of GPU's. This information was not collected with the cooperation of the respective networks and no endorsement is implied. Contact: Tom Des Jardins, VP Product Development, tdj(at)


Contact Information Tom Des Jardins

Affine Systems


Bill Gorman


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